The Imperfect Christian

Pinterest Strategies Content Creators Can Effectively Use to Create More Content for Instagram

Emmy Cornwell Season 3 Episode 118
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00:00 | 22:43

You’ve always wanted a VIP invite to the coolest party, right? Then you want to be an Instagram Insider. You will get all the current algorithm hacks and tips to grow your following, bring in new potential clients (and friends), and make some MONEY with the GRAM Here’s your invitation to the VIP INSTAGRAM INSIDER SCOOP INVITE!

Connect with Emmy on the GRAM  @theheyheyemmy or hang out on Facebook.

Pinterest is your secret weapon for coming up with content ideas. Since Pinterest allows you to search, thank you SEO, it gives you a unique way to search for content in your niche. These can be used for inspiration to create content for your Instagram. From quotes to facts, Pinterest has you covered. 

The first thing I would like you to do is take more video and save it as a B-roll. Get rid of unnecessary recordings on your phone to make it easy to find when creating content. B-roll is great for creating interesting content that has you or your life in front of the camera, without you talking face-to-camera. 

Your own B-roll provides a more personal connection since it is something from your life that your ideal client can relate to. You don't have to relate your B-roll to your niche to make an impact. Your everyday life footage is part of your brand just like your brand pillars. With your B-roll created, it's time to get Pinterest inspired. 

How to use Pinterest for more content ideas for Instagram

Pinterest has a large collection of ideas and inspiration that you can use to create your own content quickly. You need to first understand your brand and your ideal client. Once you know these things you can search for tips, tools, and quotes that would get your ideal client to stop the scroll and engage with your content.

For example, a math teacher might look for end-of-year funny quotes for teachers. Using a program like Canva or the Instagram App, you can build your Reel or Instagram Story once you find the quotes you like. You would do this by uploading your video, adding your quote or tip, setting duration, adding trending music, creating a caption, adding hashtags, and posting. Use this process over and over again to keep track of your Pinterest ideas. 

Now you have a secret weapon in your pocket to create endless content!

Grab my Exclusive FREE Two-Part Training- How to Build a Successful Personal Brand from Scratch.  This is a must if you want to make money online.

As always, this episode is brought to you by my favorite Liquid Collagen. Check out my fave duo to help you tone, tighten and feel good from the inside out.
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Connect with Emmy on the GRAM @theheyheyemmy or hang out on Facebook.