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The Imperfect Christian
Welcome to the party sister! You are in the right place at the right time if you are wanting to make money and have fun doing it! Join your hilarious Instagram Business Coach and Social Selling Expert host, Emmy Cornwell, as she shares her Instagram tips and tricks, health hacks, relationship building strategies, marketing, business, building a personal brand, faith and more about her journey and success as a entrepreneur in the online space. Emmy will be your new BFF because she brings the party atmosphere, keeps it real, encourages you…all while giving you proven methods and strategies to help you show up on your social media in a way that feels good and natural to you. This former elementary school librarian and pizza server interviews incredible people, with amazing stories and advice that will help you get into fast action in your biz. Are you ready to start monetizing your social media and have fun doing it?! Because if you ain’t having fun…you ain’t doing it right sister!Follow, grab your AirPods and press play! If you enjoy listening, we would love for you to write a 5-star review of our show. Encouraging reviews help people find our show amongst the many other podcasts out there. Thank you!
The Imperfect Christian
Resources for “Alcohol” Freedom
You’ve always wanted a VIP invite to the coolest party, right? Then you want to be an Instagram Insider. You will get all the current algorithm hacks and tips to grow your following, bring in new potential clients (and friends), and make some MONEY with the GRAM Here’s your invitation to the VIP INSTAGRAM INSIDER SCOOP INVITE!
Connect with Emmy on the GRAM @theheyheyemmy or hang out on Facebook.
Let's talk about how alcohol affects individuals and society and some resources to help you overcome addiction. I think it's an important topic as many people struggle with alcohol abuse. I know it’s possible to recover. The first thing you need is to develop a relationship with God to beat alcohol addiction. Having Christ as our partner will give us guidance and support.
It's also important to find a mentor or therapist. Help from a professional can make a big difference, and it's safe to ask for support. My depression and heavy drinking led me to seek counseling after college. I got a lot of help from a counselor with a Christ-centered perspective.
Additionally, I found that joining a supportive group was invaluable. Participating in a Bible study or a church group provides guidance, encouragement, and accountability. We need to surround ourselves with people who can bring us upliftment. I was lucky that I was given permission from the courts to spend time with my church group in addition to AA. During that as I was able to deepen my connection to the Lord and I think made me the person I am today.
I'm grateful for God's help in overcoming my alcohol addiction and becoming a better mother. Addressing the negative culture of "mommy drinking" is a priority for me. We must reconsider our relationship with alcohol and find healthier coping mechanisms and sources of fun. My journey towards enjoy life without relying on alcohol is ongoing but with Jesus as my partner I know that I can have success over this disease.
For continued conversation and support, connect with me on Instagram. Let's support one another as we pursue freedom and breakthroughs. With God's help, we can overcome anything. So let's turn to Him, pray for strength, and live life to the fullest.
Resources Mentioned:
I highly recommend the book "Codependent No More." It fosters personal growth and understanding of codependent relationships. It enlightened me and could benefit many on their recovery journey.
Connect with Emmy on the GRAM @theheyheyemmy or hang out on Facebook.
📍 📍 Alcohol has been consumed by humans for various purposes throughout history, including social, cultural, religious reasons. However, it's important to note, and we talked about in this in the previous episode, that excessive or I irresponsible alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on your physical health, your mental health, your wellbeing, your societal functioning.
It can definitely play. A role. Role in how effective you are in business and how much money you make. So we are gonna talk about, in today's episode about different resources that would be helpful if you are someone who is either struggling with alcohol, maybe you just don't wanna drink anymore and you don't know where to start.
You don't know how to start. Or maybe if you know someone else, Who is struggling that is close to you in your life? We are gonna talk about some resources that were helpful for me in my life throughout the years and journey with alcohol. It's a journey. It continues, and I'm always having to use my tools and resources that I have learned over the years to make sure that at the end of the day, I am operating in true freedom, which is my true identity.
In Christ through him, with him walking and being led by the Holy Spirit is going to be your number one resource, but we're gonna talk about some others in this episode as well. All right, let's start. Hey, hey, it's your girl, Emmy Cornwell, Instagram biz coach and social selling expert. Welcome to the Hey, hey, Emmy Show.
This is a podcast where we talk about all things that will be helpful for you and your business. Everything from Instagram tips and tricks to health hacks to relationships, and definitely some Jesus. Basically everything in between Proverbs 31. And Tupac. I am so excited to party with you in each and every episode because ain't no party like a Hey, hey, Emmy party.
Can I get an Amen? All right, let's get into it, sister. Hey. Hey. What's going on? How are you, sister Girl, this is Emmy Cornwell. I'm your host. Okay. Did you listen to the last episode? If you did, thank you. Again, hopefully that was something that blessed you, maybe learned something. Maybe something was a key, like I said, to unlocking something in your story.
Maybe something prompted you to take an action step towards a direction that would be more healthy for you in your life. Um, you know, so thank you. Thank you for listening. If you haven't listened to last episode, go back and listen to it. Okay. We talked about in regards to alcohol, Like freedom, because if you are drinking and consumed by alcohol consumption, isn't that crazy consumed by alcohol consumption, then you most likely aren't successful in your business.
You're most likely not cashing in on the gram. You're most likely not making that money, honey. And at the end of the day, that's really, you know, a big part of this podcast is helping you. Increase your bank account so that you can go have a big impact in this world because the more, the more good people make good money, the more great things that are gonna happen in this world.
And we need more of that. And you are not gonna do that intoxicated or hungover. So with that being said, it's a disease. It's, um, poison, it's a problem. And usually, We need help. It's usually not something, again, I'm not a therapist, I'm not a counselor, I'm not, you know, um, a psychologist. But overcoming something and finding true freedom from alcohol, usually you need to partner with someone.
Now, first and foremost, that's someone is Christ, and that is my number one resource for you. Is that you are not going to be able to do this alone, and who better to help you than your creator? He's not angry with you. He's not mad at you, he's not disappointed in you. He isn't gonna call you a name. He isn't going to say, man, you really blew it.
He's not gonna lay on the shame and the guilt. That's the enemy. All of those, if you're feeling all of those things. You're, you're being lied to and, and whispered to by the enemy. It's actually probably really loud. It's not a whisper. And those are the things that will keep you stuck. Those are the things that will keep you in bondage, and I don't want that for you.
And neither does Christ. So no matter how bad you think, you effed up, screwed up, messed up, how far gone you are, you're not. You're never too far gone for the grace of God. And for his mercy and his love. He loves you. He wants the best for you. Even if you're a parent of kids, like you know, I guess of a dog, you could be a dog parent too, but yeah, of kids, you understand the concept of unconditional love and that is what God gives.
And so in regards to alcohol, if you do not have a relationship with Christ, Can you stop drinking or can you find victory? Absolutely. In the last episode I told you like you can modify any type of behavior. I mean, just look at people with 75 Heart. You know what that is? That's a behavior modification program to help people get in better habits, and that's great.
And one of the habits that they do. By the way, BT Dub is not, t w does not drink any alcohol because alcohol is bad for you. It's bad for your body. It's bad for your mind. It's bad for your soul. It's bad for your spirit. Remember, I'm not pointing any fingers because I still partake. I do not partake often.
If anything, it's like once a month really, to be honest with you, if that like it is so sparing anymore. It's almost like why do I continue to do it? That's a question that I ask. Because I don't ever, I've never really like identified with the term sober. I think even that has like such bad connotations or when I was in recovery, and I remember I went to a ministry night actually led by our pastor ended up marrying us after Clyde, he.
He had, it was the first time I've ever met him. And you don't meet like before this ministry night, like you're not there mingling, like, and he didn't like ask you questions and you didn't fill out a paperwork before. And we started prophesying and he asked, he did ask during the, like Prophecying when he was hearing from God, like he's, he's like, oh, do you work or something?
And I said, no, I can't. I'm in recovery. And he is like, no, you're like, that's a word curse. That is An identity that you're wearing that's not given to to you by God. God did not call you an alcoholic, and this is one of the reasons why when I was an AA, and I think aaas helped a lot of people because it provides structure and it provides behavior modification.
But at the end of the day, there are tons and tons of people that relapse who go to AA because also, not only is it only based on behavior modification, It also is based off you having a sponsor. And humans will always fail you. Humans will always disappoint you. You know who will never disappoint you, who know will never fail you is God.
So as much as a has helps people. It also is not your savior. It is not going to save you from the struggles of alcoholism or struggles of alcohol and drinking. And so I never because like an A, they're like, hi, my name is, So-and-so, and I'm an alcoholic. I never said that. Cuz you know what people are doing?
They're reinforcing and the enemy loves it. They're reinforcing a fake, a false identity again, that God did not call them. God does not call people alcoholics. He did not. That is not made in his d n a. He didn't say, oh, yep, there's gonna be some alcoholics here. No. So that's another reason why I go back and forth.
I'm like, okay, this is not, oh God. This is not, I'm not sending because I'm drinking right in the Bibles, like, drink and be Mary, yada, yada. But it also says don't be like drunk and like a glutton and also food and stuff. Like, why am I even doing this? Like, is this gonna like even be a thing in heaven?
No. So why am I letting my flesh one here another, you know, just thought of mine. But first and foremost, Seek a relationship with the one who created you. That's gonna be your number one resource. The second resource I would say is to get a mentor or a therapist, a counselor. I do believe a professional would benefit you in this area.
I believe in counseling. I've gone to counseling my whole adult life. I started, I can't remember if I've ever, I actually saw counseling when I was young in my house. We didn't have any trauma like divorce or I didn't have any sexual abuse, thank God, in my family. So I don't think I ever had counseling growing up.
But right after college I did start to have counseling in regards to my hip before I had a hip replacement. Cause I had a lot of. That was the only time I've ever been depressed. And oh man, was I depressed And I was also drinking a lot. And that is a bad mix, bad, bad mix. That's when I lived in LA and so many, so many bad things could have happened based on my decision.
And so I was with a counselor then, and she has more sports psychology. She was really great. I, man, I wish I could, I probably could actually. No, I think. She's in California. I don't know if there's laws that anyways about like counselors in one state versus the other. Cuz Zoom. Now you can have like telemed.
Anyways, that's my second resource for you is some type of counselor or therapist or mentor that can help you in this area. That's trained, right? Like not, don't just like pick a friend and be like, Hey do you wanna be accountability partners and not drink for 75 days? No. That's not gonna, that's not gonna cut it.
It's not gonna get to the core. And I would recommend and encourage you to find someone who does have a Christ-centered perspective to align with what God says. Who is your counselor? The third resource that I would say, and these are things that were helpful for me, right? I would say some type of group that you can be a part of.
So what was cool is I actually petitioned during my recovery. I did have to go to aa, but I petitioned for the second kind of AA that I had to go to the week to do it through a Bible study if I was doing Bible study, that they counted that as one of my AA checks for the week. And so I actually was in like, Two to three Bible studies at this time because I had to quit my job and this is when I was doing, um, inpatient recovery.
And so I was like, man, I'm just gonna throw myself in. It was after I had had done the ministry night with our pastor Clyde, he really rocked my world and like read my mail. That was the first time I'd heard the prophetic. I am in love with prophecy and prophetic and what God has to say. To encourage people through that, through people who hear from him.
I can hear from God too, but there are special giftings that some people have that lean more towards the prophetic. And after that, like that's when I like just got into God's bootcamp and I was like, okay. So I would encourage you to get into some type of group again that's probably biblically based.
And so I would go. I was two. One, I would go to my friend's house and it was like women my age that I met through AdvoCare. And then the second group I would go to was the church that my parents went to. And they had a bunch of Bible studies and I was in one with basically like a bunch of old women.
They, they loved me, but it was also really cool because they had a lot of wisdom and so it was cool to glean off of them. In the season of life that they were going through and kind of like juxtapositioning against what I was going through, and so that's my third resource for you. Again, these are things that helps me.
The fourth is I would read this book besides the Bible, but it's called Codependent No More. I do not know who it's by, but it was a really, really good book. I did a 90 day coaching program with. It was like a sole recovery program and we did a lot of inner child healing type of work with a Christian focus, cuz that was important to me and she recommended that I read this book, I think it was part of like her curriculum if you were school.
And it changed like everything for me. I was like, oh my gosh, I am codependent or I do have codependency. So even if you're not the person who maybe struggles with alcohol or this is for you. Maybe this is for you if someone in your life does. And honestly, that book helped me back then because I felt like I was acting codependent based off my own experiences as well, alcohol and what I was consuming.
And now it helps me in the different close relationships that I have now with those people who are drinking. So it's, it's a really good book. It's like deep and a lot, but read that book. So that's my fourth resource. Hmm. What other resources? I think those are the, the main ones, honestly, that I can think of.
If I'm, I'm thinking back to my journey, and then at the end of the day, here's what I wanna encourage you with. If you have shame and guilt, which is, are like cousins by the way. They come together usually around any of this. You. You can't do not isolate, do not isolate because of shame and guilt. You need to tap into some of these resources that I've shared with you, these safe spaces and places that you can then reveal what is going on, bring it to the light.
You know, what you reveal is what can be healed and. If you don't heal in this area, you will not have freedom. You will not have victory. You will be hurt and hurt people, hurt people, and you'll continue to go down the same road. You won't make that 180 degree turn back into the direction that God's best is for you because you think you're too far gone because you're too stuck in your shame.
And like I said, there is no one who is too far gone for the love of God, for the grace of God, for the mercy of Jesus. That is why he died on the cross was for you and me and it's gonna be okay. Like you will have victory in this area if that is the desire of your heart. Cuz God wants to give you the desires of your heart, especially when it causes you to have an even closer relationship with him.
I could not do this life without him. I could not. Not I could not have victory in the area of alcohol. I could not be going through what I'm going through with Kim and all his extras and challenges of being a new mother, plus being a mother of a kid with extra needs. Like literally I am stronger because of what I've experienced personally with, with alcohol.
I believe it has helped me be a better mother, even though it's only four months. Because I know that there is like a big thing about mommy drinking culture and mommy wine culture and like probably an episode that I'll do in the future because that just is sickening to me. But I get it because alcohol is not good.
It can grab a hold of places in your heart that. There are holes that's not meant to be filled by, that it's meant to be filled by Jesus and his love for you. And so, um, I am so thankful that despite my poor decisions that God rescued me. He restored me. He restored my thinking. He restored my want and my desire to not live a life that was consumed by poison and alcohol.
And he's still working on my heart. He's still opening the door, an invitation for me. To live whatever is is his best for me. And if that means not d draping well, I still have some room there, clearly, but honestly, I don't, I, I don't know. Like I said, I still, that, that's still something I'm like, why do I even do it?
Cause it's really not that much. I need to find some good recipes from some mocktails maybe. Maybe that's what it is. Because let me tell you, I can have a good time. I do not need to be intoxicated or drunk or wasy face to have a good time. I will dance. I will sing, I will play games. I will be talkative.
I will do all the things that you would maybe stereotypical. Think of someone who was pretty out of their mind drunk. I can do that sober. A lot of times people are like, I have to drink to get like you. Well, you know what? Luckily I do not. And at the end of the day you do not either. So sister girl, swipe up for in the show notes, I will have the name of the book if you do not remember what it is, but it's called Codependent No More, and I'll have the author there too.
I actually will provide you the link that you can just click on and you can snag that book up from Amazon. So I'll make it easy for you. Also, if you enjoyed this episode or if you found something that was just super valuable for you, please, please continue the conversation with me over on Instagram. I would.
I would just love it. Again, I'm not a therapist. I'm not a counselor. But I can probably relate to a lot of things that potentially that you're experiencing or going through, either individually, personally, or with any spouse or family member or close friend that you have in your life that you're praying for and you're praying for in their, their life, and you're praying for deliverance and for victory in this area.
So share this in your stories. Tag me the, Hey, hey, Emmy on Instagram. I am just so thankful for you. I am praying for you, father God, thank you so much for each and every person who is listening right now. Lord, you know what they're experiencing personally. Lord, you know that if this is something that they're struggling with or that I, I would just ask that you would continue to pursue them, continue to open the door, continue to invite them into the next step of their journey to take that 180 degree turn back to you.
You have the absolute most best life created and designed for them before they even were even born. And Lord, that, that they would, their heart would soften and that they would see that is the truth. That you do have what's best for them and it's not found in a bottle, and it's not found in anywhere other than you, Lord.
I would also ask that you would just give them. Like an overwhelming sense of grace and peace and love and that shame and guilt will go now in Jesus' name that there would be no condemnation. That, that the love of the father, that Jesus would just like the, be bigger than anything that they're going through, Lord.
And that, like I said, there's, there's no enemy or devil in hell that is going to be welcome. In this, this area of their life or any other area for that matter, Lord. So I just pray for freedom. I pray for breakthrough. I pray for chains to be broken, for bondages to be busted out of. I just pray that there would be someone, if not multiple people, Lord, that would acknowledge you and would ask for your help, would ask for your strength, your courage and bravery to make.
A different decision in their life, a healthier decision so that they can be all that you created to be, that they can really, truly have victory and walk in their true identity. We love you so much. We're so thankful that your son died on the cross for us, that we would have a life that you have called us to live a life of abundance.
Lord, thank you. Thank you, thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. All right, love you lots. See you on the next episode.