The Imperfect Christian

Resources for “Alcohol” Freedom

Emmy Cornwell Season 3 Episode 123
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00:00 | 22:26

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Let's talk about how alcohol affects individuals and society and some resources to help you overcome addiction. I think it's an important topic as many people struggle with alcohol abuse. I know it’s possible to recover. The first thing you need is to develop a relationship with God to beat alcohol addiction. Having Christ as our partner will give us guidance and support. 

It's also important to find a mentor or therapist. Help from a professional can make a big difference, and it's safe to ask for support. My depression and heavy drinking led me to seek counseling after college. I got a lot of help from a counselor with a Christ-centered perspective.

Additionally, I found that joining a supportive group was invaluable. Participating in a Bible study or a church group provides guidance, encouragement, and accountability. We need to surround ourselves with people who can bring us upliftment. I was lucky that I was given permission from the courts to spend time with my church group in addition to AA. During that as I was able to deepen my connection to the Lord and I think made me the person I am today. 

I'm grateful for God's help in overcoming my alcohol addiction and becoming a better mother. Addressing the negative culture of "mommy drinking" is a priority for me. We must reconsider our relationship with alcohol and find healthier coping mechanisms and sources of fun. My journey towards enjoy life without relying on alcohol is ongoing but with Jesus as my partner I know that I can have success over this disease. 

For continued conversation and support, connect with me on Instagram. Let's support one another as we pursue freedom and breakthroughs. With God's help, we can overcome anything. So let's turn to Him, pray for strength, and live life to the fullest.

Resources Mentioned: 

I highly recommend the book "Codependent No More." It fosters personal growth and understanding of codependent relationships. It enlightened me and could benefit many on their recovery journey.

Connect with Emmy on the GRAM @theheyheyemmy or hang out on Facebook.