The Imperfect Christian
Welcome to the party sister! You are in the right place at the right time if you are wanting to make money and have fun doing it! Join your hilarious Instagram Business Coach and Social Selling Expert host, Emmy Cornwell, as she shares her Instagram tips and tricks, health hacks, relationship building strategies, marketing, business, building a personal brand, faith and more about her journey and success as a entrepreneur in the online space. Emmy will be your new BFF because she brings the party atmosphere, keeps it real, encourages you…all while giving you proven methods and strategies to help you show up on your social media in a way that feels good and natural to you. This former elementary school librarian and pizza server interviews incredible people, with amazing stories and advice that will help you get into fast action in your biz. Are you ready to start monetizing your social media and have fun doing it?! Because if you ain’t having fun…you ain’t doing it right sister!Follow, grab your AirPods and press play! If you enjoy listening, we would love for you to write a 5-star review of our show. Encouraging reviews help people find our show amongst the many other podcasts out there. Thank you!
The Imperfect Christian
Embracing Change and Finding Strength through Proverbs: Changes Coming to the Hey Hey Emmy Show
The book of Proverbs in the Bible has a lot of wisdom on embracing change, among other things. This book doesn't specifically say "Embrace change," but it offers insights and principles that encourage adaptability, wisdom, and a positive attitude.
I'm glad you're here with me as we go through life's biggest transitions. As a mom, you never get chunks of time to do what you want, but you keep moving forward.
Just like me, this podcast is evolving. It started out focusing on Instagram for business, but now it covers life and faith.
Introducing The Imperfect Christian Podcast which will explore faith, debunk religious mindsets, and more through interviews, stories, and discussions.
As long as you embrace change with faith, you'll find the right path. This podcast shows that being a Christian is not boring, but a life filled with abundance and God's love. It will be a space to share testimonies of God's goodness and encouragement for those navigating life's challenges.
So join me on this journey, as we launch the rebranded podcast in September. Sign up for our email list at EmmyCornwell.com/scoop to be the first to know about the new episodes and exciting giveaways. Remember, you are never standing still; embrace change and keep moving forward in faith.
See you in September for The Imperfect Christian Podcast.
You’ve always wanted a VIP invite to the coolest party, right? Then you want to be an Instagram Insider. You will get all the current algorithm hacks and tips to grow your following, bring in new potential clients (and friends), and make some MONEY with the GRAM Here’s your invitation to the VIP INSTAGRAM INSIDER SCOOP INVITE!
Connect with Emmy on the GRAM @theheyheyemmy or hang out on Facebook.
The book of Proverbs in the Bible contains a wealth of wisdom on various aspects of life, including the concept of embracing change.
While the book doesn't explicitly use the phrase Embrace change, it does offer insights and principles that encourages adaptability, wisdom, and a positive approach to life's transitions. And let me tell you, sister girl, we are in an experiencing some of life's greatest transitions here at the Hey, hey, Emmy Show podcast.
So I'm excited you're here 'cause we are gonna go into all of it in today's episode. It's gonna be a good one. I'm so glad you're here. Alright, let's go. Hey. Hey, it's your girl, Emmy Cornwell, Instagram biz coach and social selling expert. Welcome to the Hey, hey Emmy show. This is a podcast where we talk about all things that will be helpful for you and your business.
Everything from Instagram tips and tricks to health hack to relationships. And definitely some Jesus. Basically everything in between Proverbs 31 and Tupac. I am so excited to party with you in each and every episode because ain't no party like a Hey, hey Emmy party. Can I get Amen. All right, let's get into it, sister.
Hey, hey. What's going on? How are you? Welcome back to the Hey, hey, Emmy Show podcast. I am your host. Emmy Cornwell and yes, sister girl. I am so glad you're here. And today's episode, of course, is not scripted and I have no clue where it's gonna go. Quite frankly, it's something that I'm having to squeeze in while we're getting ready to go camping.
In between doctor's appointments, in between, feeding cam in between, pumping in between. Taking care of me, taking care of the house, taking care of everyone else. Like all of the things hashtag mom life. If you're a mom, you totally understand that you don't get chunks and chunks of hours of time anymore to do what you wanna do or do what you need to do rather.
And so we are experiencing that right now. I have tried to sit down to record this podcast episode a couple different times. Here is what we're gonna talk about today, and it's kind of. Like, I'm kind of nervous, but I'm also really, really excited and for the last time ever I have said Welcome back to the Hey, hey, Emmy Show podcast.
We are talking about embracing change and this podcast I love, love, love podcasting. I love being here with you is changing and that's because I'm changing and you are never standing still if you think you're standing still. You're actually either going backwards or forwards. You are never really standing still.
And I always wanna be moving forward. I always wanna be evolving, and I always wanna be the best me I can be in all aspects of my life. And that includes business and that includes this podcast. You know, one of the reasons why I created this podcast is because I was niched down on Instagram as an Instagram biz expert, and I was doing really well.
I. I still have a great business that started from that. I still have coaching clients and students courses, strategy sessions, all of the things, trainings, teaching, speaking. I have that business. And it started because I was an Instagram biz expert in what I niched myself down to because niches are, riches are in the niches, especially on Instagram.
And although that has evolved as well, but that's another episode for another day. And that's how I made it. Like that's how I. My account to 11,000 followers, engaged followers, people who were there to get the tips and tricks and the hacks, and the latest on Instagram, what they should post for and how they should create their captions and what hashtags to use and how to make your stories look cool and how to sell socially if you have products and services.
All of the things. And I'm still good at that and I didn't wanna talk about it anymore though, even though I was good at it and I had a business around it, I didn't wanna talk about it. And that's how this podcast was birthed because I wanted a place and a space that I felt. Safe and freedom to talk about whatever I wanted because I'm not just a single facet person.
I'm a multifaceted human being. I love health and wellness. I used to be a health and wellness coach. Health and wellness has always been as a former athlete, a part of my life. So I've taken supplements since I can barely remember. I've always took a probiotic. My mom would give it to me alongside my Flintstone vitamin multivitamin.
Do you remember those? I may be aging myself. I love business. I love marketing. I went to school for communication studies and business and marketing and all of the things. I love my faith. I love talking about what Jesus has done for me. I love sharing my testimony of the messes that I've gotten myself into and the message that now I have to be able to share with people restoration and redemption because of Jesus.
I love talking about money. Gotta get that money, honey. I mean, I love it all. I love relationships. I love you. Name it. That's what the beginning of this podcast, the intro always talks about is you're gonna get a lot of it and whatever you're gonna get, it's always gonna be a party and that will not change.
But with the change of the birth of my son and just where I see myself headed, and I feel like where God is leading me, it's leading me in a direction to get really focused on my fate. You may even be confused. Maybe, maybe you're hearing you, you're, someone who's listened to the show like religiously.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Maybe you're new, maybe just found this, this podcast. Most people, when I say the name of this podcast, the Hey, hey, Emmy Show podcast, all things Proverbs 31 to Tupac. They either like, they think it's a faith-based show Anyways.
Really, it's a business based show with faith weaved into it. Because again, I don't live my life in a vacuum. You're gonna, you're gonna get it no matter what we're talking about. You're gonna hear Jesus and the good news and what he's done in my life, but some people too don't even know what Proverbs is.
You know the intro to this, I also shared about the Book of Proverbs and the book of Proverbs offers a lot of wealth of wisdom and knowledge around change. And it needed to change. This podcast needed to change. We're 125. This will be 126 episodes, a year and a half. It needed to change because of where God has me going.
You know, you never lose when you're being obedient, and I'm just responding to what he is sharing with me throughout this new season. Of my life. And so we are changing the show. I'm so excited. I am not going anywhere. Hopefully you are not going anywhere. The show is getting a makeover, it's getting a rebrand.
And, but I wanted to share with you just a, a few things I'm thoughts that I'm thinking Why the cha you know, first of all how this podcast came to be and then what I'm, what I'm excited for with the podcast coming up. As well as what you can expect. And of course, a fun, fun giveaway that will be coming.
So stay tuned for that. So the book of Proverbs really sets us off right in the first couple chapters. So Proverbs three, five through six says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight. That's actually my dad's favorite verse, that verse he has tattooed on him.
My proverbs that I have tattooed on me is Proverbs 1921. Many are the plans of a man's heart, but the Lord's purpose shall prevail. And both of those verses I feel like emphasizes the importance of trusting in God, like and submitting to, to being led by the Holy Spirit. It suggests that embracing change with faith, like change plus faith.
Equal to a clear and righteous path, it means you're going the right way, basically. And no matter what I'm talking about, no matter where I'm at, I always want to show Jesus. I always want people to be like, oh, there's something different about her. I want people to see the love of the Father, and I want people, especially who would never go to church.
Like I wanna take them to church without them stepping in to church. I want them to read the Bible without having to read the Bible. Now, I would love for you to go to church because that's very biblical, to be a part of the church community. I would love for you to read your Bible, 'cause that's also biblical and that's the best way to get to know Jesus in relationship is by reading his word and having conversation with him in prayer.
But Proverbs really, really is the great most people who aren't. Faith-based who don't believe in God. They still know what Proverbs in is and can still glean from it. I mean, different cultures have their own Proverbs, there's African Proverbs, there's Italian Proverbs, I think there's Jewish Proverbs, there's, there's a lot of different culture.
Proverbs. I am not versed in all of them, but I'm sure you can Google them. So are you ready for what the podcast is going to be? Yes. It's gonna be a faith-based podcast and the name. Drum roll please. Was divinely downloaded to me while I was in the, where was I? I was either a doctor's appointment, I might've been at Cam's, M R I, his latest M R I.
I might've been in the ER with him, I cannot remember, but God has definitely been doing his downloads in those times where I'm just sitting looking at my son, I mean, what better time does God do his best work than in the chaos than in the midst of. Challenges in the midst of circumstances where at the end of the day you can't do it on your own.
There. There you have to rely on God's strength. And that is exactly what I'm doing right now because motherhood is not for wimps. Okay. And having a child with extra needs on top of it is, is tough. It's tough. So here is the name of the new show. Ooh. I'm so excited. Like I said, I'm really, really nervous too.
And I'm gonna share with you why I'm nervous, but the name of the show is called The Imperfect Christian Podcast. I started a new Instagram. I have not actually posted my bio or posted anything yet, but I will still have the Hey, hey Emmy, over on Instagram. That will be probably my main page. And then I am going to have one for the imperfect Christian.
Podcast. It's gonna be so cool. I'm so excited. 'cause at the end of the day, I am not perfect. Perfect doesn't sell in business and perfect does not fly in life. I'm a recovering perfectionist, and I'm not a perfect daughter. I'm not a perfect sister. I'm not a perfect wife. I don't have the perfect marriage.
I, I'm not perfect in my health. I don't eat perfectly. I'm not perfect with my finances. I'm not perfect in business. I'm not a perfect marketer. I'm not a, um, perfect podcast host. I am, don't create perfect content. I don't wear the perfect clothing. I don't see the perfect things. I definitely don't drive perfect.
There's so many different aspects of my life that I live in perfectly, and that's like the beauty of it. All right. Think about this. If you took a beautiful, beautiful vase, With brilliant colors and a great like, just well thought out, gorgeous design and you dropped it on the ground. Well, the vase looks like nothing, right?
It looks like Absolutely. You're like, great. There goes that expensive vase I bought. It's, might as well put it in the garbage. No. You know what God does is he picks up each and every one of those pieces and he puts them back together. The Holy Spirit is the glue. And God's light and love is what shines through those cracks of your brokenness that creates the light, the glow, the golden ness of what that vase represents, and that's you and I.
And I know that now is the time to set boldly into my faith to talk more about Jesus. You know what? Being a Christian is not boring, and if you're born, you're broke. So Christians called to live an abundant life. The coaching industry loves to talk about abundance. The coaching industry loves to talk about manifestation.
Will you know who started that? You know who started that? Sister girl, uh, God, g o d. The best three letters, okay? Is God. He started that and he calls the life of a Christian. Two of those things, he wants you to have fruit in your life, meaning he wants, wants you to have. The desires of your heart that help you bring heaven here on Earth.
And if I can share Jesus in a way that makes, that has people be receptive, and I have a platform to do it, when things are crazy in our world, when things are chaotic and they're only gonna get worse, then why would I not do that? And so now is the time, and that's what I'm excited about. And so things that you can expect on the podcast are gonna be more interviews.
I felt like with this current podcast with business, I was very much boxed in, which was funny 'cause that's why I started this episode. To not be boxed in. I was very much boxed into people. Specifically in business, I always wanna hear people's story, story, story stories. You know, I love stories and I'm not just talking about Instagram stories, but that is one of the reasons why I love stories and I love storytelling and I love cinematography, and I love talking to people and building relationships and hearing their stories because their home is where their story starts.
And everyone has a story, and you don't get to know people's stories unless they let you in. You can't read a book by its cover. Okay? How many cliches can I put into one podcast? And so, yes, I got to hear people's stories, kind of, of how they started their business and, and that, but I wanna hear people's testimonies.
I wanna hear what God has done in their life. I wanna hear the hope, the encouragement. I wanna hear the tests that they've, they've had in their lives to bring them to their testimony of God's faithfulness and God's goodness. 'cause he's a good, good father and more people need to know about him. I'm like, are we playing?
Like, do people think like hell is cute? And like, it's just like one of those like, Whatever that little Nas Grammy or concert, or not little Nass, I mean he was the one who had the like quote unquote the blood in the shoe. Who was it this year at the Grammys? Oh, Sam. Sam Smith. Sam Smith. Okay. Hell is not just some like production with like red horns and like some fake like fire.
Okay. Hell is real. You burn 24 7 every day. 365. It ain't, it ain't cute, and I don't want you to go there. I love you too much for you to not know the truth and not to have an opportunity to know your creator and accept Jesus into your life. So I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Uh, some of the episodes that I am going to do are the seven deadly sins.
So an episode on each sin, like G litany, um, things like that, slaw. Is another one. So we're gonna talk about that. Talk about just debunking religious mindsets as well and talking about generational things. There's so like, honestly, there's just so much to talk about and probably a lot of things that we are gonna talk about, you may have already heard me speak about, but just in bits and pieces and nothing that is focused on faith.
So you know what? Faith goes everywhere. Faith does go in the business sector. It does go into your finances. It does play a part in your health. It does play a part in your marriages and relationship. Faith goes everywhere. God is everywhere and he is with you. And I love business. I love geeking out on that type of stuff.
And so I'm sure I will find some way to tie in business because I'm gonna need somewhere, somewhere to talk about that. So I'm sure, like I said, I'll be able to tie that in somehow. I mean, marketplace ministry. Hello somebody. Okay, so be on the lookout for new episodes starting in September. This will be the last episode that you'll be hearing for a little bit.
So August, I am gonna go through all the backend stuff, all the admin things of creating new cover art and new branding, and new intro and outro. And. Description of the show and planning out different episodes and setting up interviews, and then we are going to be launching sometime in September. If you want to be the first to know, then this is what I want you to do.
I want you to head over to the Instagram insider scoop. Okay? So if you go to emmy cornwall.com/scoop. That's what I got for you. I want you to go there, put your email in. You are gonna be the first to know my Instagram insider scoop community is not going anywhere, but they are gonna be the first to know because there are gonna be some changes there as well.
So make sure you head on over that is where the giveaway is going to be hosted as well. And I'm not exactly sure 100% what I'm going to be giving away because literally this just got all downloaded to me in less than a week and I am taking messy action. Um, I don't have time for it. But it's lighting my fire up and that's how I know that I'm supposed to be doing this 'cause I'm actually in action.
And I feel a lot of things that I've been doing this year have been met with resistance. And that's because I was doing it on my own strength instead of being led by the Holy Spirit. So head on over to Emmy cornwell.com/scoop, put in your email and you'll also get a cool freebie to help you out with your Instagram.
So, I mean, win-win part of the giveaway will absolutely be some of my favorite, favorite Christian apparel because faith and fashion, you know, if you don't look good, it was the, if you look good, you do good. Okay. I used to say that for soccer as a goalkeeper. 'cause I used to have, like, I used to dress cool as a goalkeeper in soccer before, like it was a trend.
I feel like I'm a trendsetter. Okay. Um, but I used to say, you gotta look good to play good. And so you gotta look good to goo. Good. I love fashion. It's really cool. Some of the pieces, I'm actually wearing a shirt right now that says Pray and then on the back it has the Lord's Prayer. And you would have no clue.
You would have no clue. It's super cool, but it's a conversation starter. Fun fact, before we end and move on, I was at t s A in L a X and I was getting first down because I was pregnant. I was coming home from a mastermind that I was teaching at for project me in LA and um, she, I didn't wanna go through the x-ray machine, so I knew I was gonna have to get a female assist, which I already do anyways because I have a hip replacement.
But she was winding me down and patting me down in all the awesome areas. But she had to look at my back of my shirt and she goes, I really like your shirt. I knew that she knew what that was and that was so cool. And that that is a conversation and conversations equals to ca equals cash and business.
But you know what it equals in a kingdom because money is like, faith is the currency in the kingdom. And so conversations leads you to be able to share your story, your testimony of faith, of hope, of what God has done, and that equals cash money, maybe not like the ones you can take to the bank. But you're gonna be so, so rich in other ways that are really priceless.
Okay? So also make sure you follow me at the, Hey, hey Emmy, and I'm gonna update everything there because I, like I said, I haven't gotten into the new Instagram yet. So on Instagram make sure you head over there. Follow me, send me a message. Tell me if you're excited or you're, maybe you're not, maybe, and that's okay if you are not someone who wants to follow.
Me and us to the next show, to the imperfect Christian. That's okay. I totally get it. I hope you do. I love you. I cannot wait to continue the conversation with you if you choose to do that, that would be my hope. But permission granted, if this is not your thing, then that's okay. I still love you and hopefully we can still be friends.
So that's what I'm saying. Head over to the, Hey, hey, Emmy on Instagram. And we can hang out there. Okay. You're amazing. I'm so appreciative of all the love, all the support, all the shares, all the five star Apple reviews all the input, all the questions, all everything, everything. You have been a part. Something I have loved, loved doing and I, I love doing it.
My coach even mentioned to me, she's like, man, you really must love doing your podcast 'cause you've still done it through everything with Cam. I find a way. I find a way, it is not an excuse to have children, and it's not an excuse to have children with needs that are extra. Really it's just driving me in decisions that I make even more so than before.
And this is one of 'em, and I'm really, really excited and I hope you join us for the journey. All right, we will see you in September. I do not know what date, so make sure you're on the list. Emmy cornwell.com/scoop. We'll see you in September for the Imperfect Christian Podcast. See you then.